To prevent the entry of African Swine Fever (ASF) that may largely affect the P5B swine industry in the Cagayan Valley region and a whopping P260B industry in the country, the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office No. 02 held a meeting on Animal Disease Prevention and Control at DA Multi-Purpose Cooperative building, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City, August 30, 2019.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 02 (DILG RO 2), Office of the Civil Defense Region 02 (OCD RO 02), the Bureau of Animal Industry Region 02 (BAI RO 2), Philippine National Police Regional Office 02 (PNP RO 02), National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), private hog raisers, different stakeholders, provincial and local government units through their veterinary offices, met to prepare action plans, protocols on handling possible ASF cases and the creation of ASF Regional Task Force.
With the recent deaths of pigs in Rodriquez, Rizal, the case have been confirmed that it was a swine disease and not ASF, said DA Secretary Dr. William Dar last Sunday.
“Some initial measures have been done to check the major entry and exit points in the region. Even the major seaports and an international airport were part of the plan to ensure that no products coming from the carrier of ASF neighboring countries will enter our lands,” stressed Regional Executive Director Narciso Edillo.
According to Dr. Roberto Busania, regional technical director for operations, if in case ASF will enter the country it can wipe out the whole industry and that backyard raiser will be greatly affected as they compromised the bulk of swine industry.
In region 02, 457, 000 heads of swine are recorded both for commercial and backyard raisers. The maturity rates are as high as 100 percent and this is an unimaginable threat to the raisers.
Amid the threats of ASF which greatly affected some Asian and European countries, DA confirmed that the country is still ASF free. Hence, the massive campaign to let the public be aware and help prevent the entry of the disease.
Meanwhile, Regional Director Jonathan Paul Leusen of DILG Region 02 and Dante Balao of OCD Region 02 expressed their full support to the formed Cagayan Valley Task Force on African Swine Fever chaired by DA RFO 02.
A resolution was also crafted and supported by the agencies as proof of a unified effort in securing the region from ASF and other animal diseases.
“The DA cannot do it alone,” said RTD for Research and Regulatory Rose Mary G. Aquino in her closing remarks. “We need all of your expertise and resources in this endeavor.”
Experts are now observing control measures the BABES methods to present ASF entry such as Banning of pork imports from affected countries, Avoid swill feeding, Check entry at international ports, Educate our people and Submit samples.